
Nov 1, 2013

The cats' house - Bob Walker

The cats' house - Walker, Bob

Summary: Describes cat-friendly home improvements, offers plans and suggestions for enlivening housecats' environments, and relates how a room-divider project transformed the author's home into a cats' playground - (Baker & Taylor)

Library Journal Reviews
What began as a simple floor-to-ceiling scratching post to prevent Walker's nine cats from sharpening their claws on the furniture is now a whole set of ramps, stairs, and cat walks throughout his house. The playfulness of this house, which has been painted in over 40 bright colors and contains Walker and his wife's collection of Dian de los Meurtos figurines and toys, comes across in the numerous photographs. Instructions are included for building ramps, cat walks, and mouse holes through which the cats pass from room to room. This fun book is recommended for large interior design collections. Copyright 1996 Cahners Business Information.

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